
What are CompTIA Certifications?

CompTIA certifications are credentials achieved through a testing process, to validate knowledge within a specific IT support function. All CompTIA exams are developed by subject matter experts, and the certifications are recognized throughout the industry as the standard for proving foundation-level skill sets.

Certified professionals report that they have more confidence on the job, see an improvement in the quality of their work and have a higher demand for their services. Employers feel the same way. In fact, 74 percent of IT managers say CompTIA certifications are an important factor in considering an employee for a promotion.*

How does my CompTIA certification apply to other industry certifications?

CompTIA certifications often apply toward advanced certifications, such as Microsoft's MSCA and Novell's CNE certification. Taking a CompTIA exam as an elective toward an advanced certification will give you the distinction of having a dual certification - an advantage in today's job market.

CompTIA serves the IT industry as the world's largest developer of vendor-neutral IT certification exams. Since establishing the certification program in 1993, more than one million CompTIA certifications have been earned worldwide. Currently, CompTIA offers certifications in PC hardware, networking, servers, e-Business, convergence, project management, training, Linux, security, digital home technology, document imaging and RFID.